But what do you DO?
Farmer. Teacher. Cop. Firefighter. Engineer. Doctor. Builder. Developer. Artist. Grocer. Scientist. Soldier. Sailor. Airman. Marine. Writer. Butcher. Baker. Candlestick maker. What do you do for a living? If you can't describe what you do for a living in one word, you're not a producer. You're not bringing anything to the table. If you can't describe what you do in one word, you're making a living off of the labors of others, suckling at the teat of those around you. The more words in your title, the further removed you are from actually producing something of value to society. Don't believe me? Try this one: Chief Executive Officer. Now that's a doozie of a title. But what does a CEO actually produce ? This doesn't mean that you're gonna get rich in a one-word profession. But is that the point? To get rich? The day after Ayn Ra...