
Showing posts from October, 2012

Going Down to the Crossroads

Random thoughts from Crossroads Writers 2012, blowing across the barren wasteland of my mind... - Chris Horne did a phenomenal job...of doing what Heather told him to do.  The Hornes and the entire Crossroads krewe were incredible hosts. - I have four new writing heroes:  Susannah Breslin, Emilie P. Bush, Joe Kovac Jr., and Christina Ranallo .  Writers write but these four also rock. - Steamduck is a thing and I can confirm: he does, in fact, learn to fly. ( - I'm fairly certain Chuck Wendig's beard is plotting to overthrow the government of Iowa. - Adam Mansbach and Kevin Maurer caught lightning in a bottle...because they're really good at carrying bottles in thunderstorms. - I actually worked "Sam Jackson" and "boner" into a single sentence during my brief meeting with Adam Mansbach.  How ya like me now? - Kevin Coval's poetry at 8:30 Saturday morning set the ...

Crossroads Writers 2012

I've died and gone to heaven. Or at least Macon. I'm at Crossroads Writers Weekend, surrounded by writers and wannabe writers and neverwillbe writers and I'm somewhere in between in this intoxicating mound of human creativity. To all the guest writers and speakers, thank you for reaching back through the tunnel. Write on, brothers and sisters.  Write on.