Going Down to the Crossroads
Random thoughts from Crossroads Writers 2012, blowing across the barren wasteland of my mind... - Chris Horne did a phenomenal job...of doing what Heather told him to do. The Hornes and the entire Crossroads krewe were incredible hosts. - I have four new writing heroes: Susannah Breslin, Emilie P. Bush, Joe Kovac Jr., and Christina Ranallo . Writers write but these four also rock. - Steamduck is a thing and I can confirm: he does, in fact, learn to fly. (http://www.amazon.com/Steamduck-Learns-FLY-Steampunk-Picture/dp/0984902813/) - I'm fairly certain Chuck Wendig's beard is plotting to overthrow the government of Iowa. - Adam Mansbach and Kevin Maurer caught lightning in a bottle...because they're really good at carrying bottles in thunderstorms. - I actually worked "Sam Jackson" and "boner" into a single sentence during my brief meeting with Adam Mansbach. How ya like me now? - Kevin Coval's poetry at 8:30 Saturday morning set the ...