Something About Mary

Riding up the elevator at work today a friend asked me, “So…how’s married life?” “It sucks.” She looked momentarily startled. Clearly not the response she was expecting. “Um..OK. Why?” “Because we live a thousand miles apart!” Clearly that minor detail has had some adverse impact on the overall marital experience. Obviously being married to Diane doesn’t suck. I love her very much and we grow closer every day. Well, emotionally and spiritually, that is. The physical distance hasn’t diminished one iota. We love each other very much and could not be happier to be married. But the reality is that following our wedding we essentially returned to our respective pre-nuptial lives. We were married in a beautiful ceremony (thank you, Suzi!) in an idyllic setting (thank you, Susan!) surrounded by family and friends, some who travelled 12,000 miles (literally…thank you, Nick and Della) and some whose presence was simultaneously surprising and greatly appreciated (thanks, Mom). F...