God Bless -- and Forgive -- America

I recently had a discussion on social media with someone about the effects of slavery on the overall economy of the early United States. The discussion (predictably) included inputs from some whose comments seemed more intended to divide than unite. On social media ! I know...right?!? I was presented with the following question: "So it sounds as if cotton and slavery are very intertwined. What shall we do?!" While it might have been intended to be dismissive and/or snarky, I chose to accept it as an honest inquiry worthy of a thoughtful response: What shall we do? My reply: I certainly don't claim to have all the answers but here are some thoughts about what we could do: - Acknowledge the fact that at the time of our great Nation's declaration of independence from England -- a declaration that included the phrase, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, th...