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Welcome to your life There’s no turning back On May 6, 2023, at 1:46 am Eastern Daylight Time, Lauren Renee Higginbotham died of multiple organ failure due to cirrhosis, resulting from alcohol dependence. She died of what is commonly called alcoholism. Lauren was 30 years old. And she was my daughter. It’s my own design It’s my own remorse Help me to decide Lauren knew she was an alcoholic. She entered her first alcohol treatment program at age 21. Over the next nine years, Lauren was treated multiple times for alcohol abuse and dependence, as well as other issues related to (and not related to) alcoholism. At one point, she had remained sober for more than one year before once again drinking, which she knew would not turn out well. And it didn’t. Help me make the Most of freedom and of pleasure Lauren loved the beach. She lived most of her life in Florida, so it’s what she knew and where she found peace. Lauren also loved her friends. She was what I like to call a “friend collector....